Donations Shipped to Puerto Rico from Port Tampa Bay

- On Sunday, April 8th a ship carrying  a container of personal hygiene supplies departed Port Tampa Bay to Puerto Rico. The ship was loaded up on Friday, April 6, 2018 at Port Logistics Refrigerated  Services (a cold storage facility company at the Port) with approximately 1300 boxes of shampoo, soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, food, school supplies, and notes of encouragement created by Tampa area children. 

Several organizations and companies came together to organize the effort including Good Samaritan Shipping  Ministries, JJ  Lyon Guard Foundation, Port Logistics Refrigerated Services,  A.R. Savage  & Son, Tampa’s DeMert and Port Tampa Bay. 

The ship "Glory" left Port Tampa Bay after a church service at the Riverview parish of the Journey Church in Tampa at 10022 Cristina Drive in Riverview. Those assisting in organizing the effort will  be at the service including the head of JJ  Lyon Foundation and the family that owns and operates the vessel "Glory". Shawna & James Downs and their children live aboard the Glory, traveling around the world to help people in need. They run the faith-based Good Samaritan Shipping Ministries.  

Rick Sharp, Chief Operating Officer of Port Logistics Refrigerated Services, has been looking for an opportunity to help out the people of Puerto Rico. He donated use of his crane, his facility, and other services to assist in the effort. 

Rafael Gaztambide, President of JJ Lyon Guard, has been deeply involved with efforts to send supplies to Puerto Rico since last year.

Port Tampa Bay waived all fees associated with the shipment of the supplies. A.R. Savage & Son coordinated the arrival, loading, and shipping of supplies.